
Have you ever traveled outside of the United States?

Like visiting other countries or prefer staying in the US?

Some people really love traveling and checking out new places. There is so much to see, drink, eat and feel when checking out new places and for some, it could be a wonderful experience. Meeting people with a different point of view can be enlightening. Sharing your thoughts and beliefs with new friends from around the world can be fun too. However, the cost and hassle of travel and potential difficulty communicating with others are among some of the reasons many do not like to travel too far from home. Some people don't enjoy flying which can make long-distance travel more difficult.

There is no right or wrong answer here. It is really a matter of personal preference. We are curious to see how many of our peers and friends and been outside of the US for whatever reason how many of us have decided to just stick around the United States. Have you tasted pasta in Italy, rode a double-decker bus in London, perhaps taken a Caribbean cruise, made your way north to our neighbors in Canada or south to our friends in Mexico or been anywhere outside of the country? Vote yes, if you have.

If you have yet to leave the country, let us know that as well by voting no. If you prefer not to answer, that is certainly OK. That is your choice. We are just interested in seeing the overall results, so place your vote here now. Thanks!

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