The stock market has long been a way for investors, including average people, to make money when investing wisely in shares of a company. Up until March of 2006, the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) was a private not-for-profit entity, while the NSADAQ was always public. Both of these exchanges are in the business of helping investors earn a profit. This occurs through the daily exchanges of buying and selling.
You may be surprised, or not, to learn the stock market has had more record closes since the Obama Administration took office, than any other President in recent history. When the Great Recession hit in December 2007, the Dow Industrial average saw a sharp decline, which didn’t begin to recover until March of 2009 – two months into the Obama Administration. From January 2009 to March of 2013, the Dow saw 50 new highs, compared to the 50% decline prior to the beginning of the 2009 recovery. In the last four years of the Obama Presidency, the Dow continued to gain increases and attained four new highs, finishing at 11,783 points, compared to the 2009 low of 6,547.
When President Trump took office, he had an advantage in that the Stock Market was at an all-time high, compared to the low Obama was greeted with. The economy was experiencing an eight-year growth spurt, so starting from a high point – especially an all-time high, was a better position to be in to build on the economy. In 2017, when Trump became president, the market saw 71 new highs due to corporate tax cuts, which boosted earnings. After the rush was over, the highs began to decline again with only 19 in 2018 and 22 in 2019. So far, 2020 has seen 5 new highs. This gives Trump a total of 117 highs since he took office.
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